Internal Family Systems (IFS) - This page is a listing of services and articles that are available to learn about Internal Family Systems therapy.

IFS Therapy

Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy

Unlocking Healing with Internal Family Systems Therapy: A comprehensive guide to IFS and the categories of Exiles, Managers, and Firefighters

IFS blocks on a rock

Is Internal Family Systems (IFS) Evidence-Based? Understanding Its Role

One question that often arises when discussing therapeutic approaches is whether Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is evidence-based.

Person sitting with upset stomach

Can PTSD Cause IBS? Exploring the Connection Between Trauma and Gut Health

A common question that arises in my practice is whether PTSD can cause IBS. The answer lies in understanding the connection between our mental and physical health.

Statue of man and woman sitting back to back

A Comprehensive Guide to Attachment Therapy with IFS and EMDR

Healing the Wounds of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: A Comprehensive Guide to Attachment Therapy with IFS and EMDR

Papers with gaslighting

Narcissistic Abuse and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Narcissistic abuse is a deeply wounding experience that can leave lasting scars on a person’s emotional and psychological well-being.